Introduction This little paragraph will tell you about this article. Hi, guys welcome back! Today I am going to upload two articles. One here another one at another place. Here is the link for the other article. Both of these articles will still talk about sensory meals. If you don’t understand what I am talking about you can follow the video under each part. Let’s start with the first part. Before you go here is something you need to prepare. a person to compete with(optional) three or more chairs some space an adult (if you are a kid) lifeboat This first part will train your tummy muscles I…
What Exercise to do at home during circuit breaker?
Today I am going to teach you some exercise. I will update the video every week. first, let’s talk about what does it do for your body. It makes your muscle stronger and makes your breathing good. There is two part here is the first part. What do you need to prepare? gym ball a big soft mat a person(to do the activity) an adult(if you are a child) ⚠️🚨Remember to talk, laugh, or make an animal sound while you do it.🚨⚠️ Rock on a Gymball Our first exercise will be rocking on a Gym ball. The first step lay on the gym ball. Second, use your feet…
Funny parent – child exercise at home