covid-19,  Exercise

exercise to do at home during covid-19

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This little paragraph will tell you about this article.

Hi, guys welcome back! Today I am going to upload two articles. One here another one at another place. Here is the link for the other article. Both of these articles will still talk about sensory meals.  If you don’t understand what I am talking about you can follow the video under each part. Let’s start with the first part. Before you go here is something you need to prepare.

  • a person to compete with(optional)
  • three or more chairs
  • some space
  • an adult (if you are a kid)



This first part will train your tummy muscles I call it lifeboat because you need to lay down and crawl like swimming to a lifeboat.

First, set up your chairs like a triangle or any shapes. Second, lay flat on the floor. Third, start crawling and go around the chairs until you reached the finish line. Forth, crab walks or crawl back to the starting line if you are doing another round. Fifth, if you are competing repeat all these steps until you finish three or more rounds.

Bear Walk

This exercise is bear walk you need to walk like a bear and this is one of a few animal walks.

First, lay down. Second, stand with your hands and leg. Thrid start moving until you reached ten minutes.





here Is a video for you to know what sensory problem symptoms are.

A kid who loves to make blog and YouTube videos. Mainly do blogs and more focused on YouTube these days. Visit my face @ Makes Discord bot, and big fan of Aviation. Favorite YouTuber: Sam Chui.


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