Everyday Life

How to arrange your house

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Today I’m going to tell you what you can do with your house.

Do you have friends guys? So, do they come over? If yes do they have children. But, you don’t have enough space for all your friends to have dinner at your house. So is mines! I have a lot of books at home. When I say a lot I mean a lot, a lot. So, the children come over and need to have a place to eat right? Read my article below.


Here’s what you can do to have enough space to eat.

Do you have a lot of books and a coffee table? This is what you can do to store your books without a bookcase. But first, let’s talk about the table. The adults can use the normal eating table you use. The children take the coffee table if you have one. If you don’t you can open a mat or just let the children lie down. Now you can invite your friends over the dinner even the ones with children.ย 


So, you have a lot of books and not enough book case?

You buy new shoes right? But, you have shoe boxes. So, you put the books in the shoe boxes. Then, you put it on a coffee table or on the floor.


You like my solutions?

This is the end of this article. I know it’s short but I want to share something with you guys next time. Here’s a shout out to my cousin. Click here to subscribe his cannel. I know he will be very happy if you did. Click here for the YouTube Channel. Another shoutout to Roblox Gaming on discord. Please join this server if you have discord. Click here for the server. I hope you enjoyed my article and I will see you next time.ย 

A kid who loves to make blog and YouTube videos. Mainly do blogs and more focused on YouTube these days. Visit my face @ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdNmVeds6-waJxY2Y5v4E-A/ Makes Discord bot, and big fan of Aviation. Favorite YouTuber: Sam Chui.


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